Unlocking the potential of the mobile phones by University undergraduate students: A case of Sokoine University of Agriculture
Mlozi, M. R. S.
Mussa, M.
Mapunda, K. M.
Kalungwizi, V. J.
Mwakapina, W. J.
Tumbo, S. D.
Sanga, C.
Journal Title
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International Journal of Computing and ICT Research
Literature show that use of mobile phones is omnipresent and pervasive in developing countries,
especially among the youth. This study was carried out to assess the academic benefits of owning
and using mobile phone among the undergraduate students at Sokoine University of Agriculture
in Tanzania. Specifically, the study assessed the type of people students communicate to,
preferred people and preferred period of the day and also the type of information that is
communicated, and when mobile phones are inactivated. Students were randomly sampled from
all departments. The study involved semi-structured questionnaires, and 302 undergraduate
students who were randomly sampled from various degree programmes participated. The study
found that most students prefer to communicate to their mothers and most of the communications
are done from late evenings. Family issues were mostly communicated on mobiles phones.
Further, the study found little use of mobile phones in academic issues. The study recommends
that the University should educate newly enrolled students on proper use of mobile phones, with
the view of using mobile phones in academic-related issues.
International Journal of Computing and ICT Research, ISSN 1818-1139 (Print), ISSN 1996-1065 (Online), Vol.10, Issue 1, pp.41-60, June 2016.
Mobile phones, Usage, University undergraduate students, Cost, Higher Education Institution