Socio-economic factors influencing poor academic performance in primary schools in Kasulu district, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
This study was undertaken to find out the socioeconomic factors that are influencing poor
academic performance of pupils in primary schools of selected Schools in Kasulu District.
The study had four specific objectives; to determine family socioeconomic status on poor
academic performance of pupils, to determine the school based factors to pupil’s poor
academic performance, to determine the influence of home and community based factors
to pupil’s poor academic performance and to explore an individual pupil’s factor led to
poor academic performance in primary school. Purposive and simple random sampling
procedures were used to get a sample of respondents. The data were obtained from pupils,
parents and teachers, using questionnaires, interviews and observation methods.
Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and its inferential done through logistic
regression (binary model). Pupils, parents and teachers respondents agreed that there is
continuous downfall of academic performance among pupils in primary school.
The factors identified were positively significantly influencing poor academic
performance at p<0.05 were, age of pupil, sex, parents’ education level, occupation of the
parent, income of the family, provision of food in school, counseling services for both
girls and boys, distance between home and school, working load of students at home,
number of children in classrooms, sanitation facilities, parent-child interaction and mode
of transportation of children to and from school. This study recommends that there is a
need for the government to establish programs to teachers and pupils, to provide enough
infrastructures at school, to facilitate the process of learning and teaching, cooperation
between pupils, teachers and parents at school, and increase of teacher’s commitment in
Poor academic performance, Primary schools, Kasulu district