Assessment of compliance with good agricultural practices in pig farming in Mpwapwa and Mbulu districts, Tanzania
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Taylor & Francis Group
A cross-sectional study was conducted between February and May 2022
to explore the pig farming practices and assess their compliance with Good
Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and their associated constraints in Mpwapwa and Mbulu districts. A total of 136 pig farmers were randomly chosen from purposively
selected wards for interview using a structured questionnaire. The study revealed
that 71.3% of all pig farmers were aware of GAPs on pig farming, but only 19.8% of
the pig farmers complied with the stipulated GAPs. About 81.6% of the respondents
had poor piggery hygiene and 76.5% had poor piggery conditions. Pig farmers
reported the cost of feeds (83.8%) and veterinary services (81.6%) to be the
hindrance to compliance with GAPs. It was concluded that pig farmers are aware
of GAPs but not all implement them. Limited availability and high costs of pig feeds
and veterinary services are among the factors limiting the full implemantation of
GAP in pig farming in the Mpwapwa and Mbulu districts. Therefore, there is a need
for the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development and private investors to
collaborate to ensure accessibility to Agro-vet services in rural areas with minimal
cost. A positive effect could also result from encouraging pig farmers to use locally
available ingredients to compose pig feeds.
Journal article
Agriculture-Food, Food Laws, Regulations, Pig farming, Good Agricultural Practices, Veterinary services, Animal feeds