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    Prevalence of organophosphate pesticide residues and the associated risks of dietary exposure through selected vegetables from Ilala district, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
    (Asian Food Science Journal, 2025-02-15) Tegekanya, Rosemary; Wenaty, Alex; Chove, Bernard; Mbwana, Hadijah
    The increasing reliance on pesticide use in agricultural practices, particularly in developing regions such as Tanzania, poses significant risks to food safety and public health. This study investigated the prevalence and concentration of organophosphate-based pesticide residues in commonly consumed vegetables, specifically Amaranth (Amaranthus), Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa Pekinensis) and Sweet potato leaves (Ipomoea Batatas) cultivated in Ilala district of Dar Es Salaam City. Data on vegetable consumption were collected from 138 vegetable farmers using the 24-hour dietary recall method. The analytical methodology employed gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Vegetable samples were prepared through a series of extraction and purification steps. The results revealed significant variation (P < 0.05) in organophosphate residue concentrations across the different vegetable types and sampling sites. The potential health risks associated with dietary exposure to these pesticide residues were evaluated by employing deterministic approaches. The average residual concentration of profenofos in chinese cabbage was found to be 0.044 ± 0.014mg/kg, while in amaranth exhibited a higher concentration of 0.182 ± 0.056mg/kg. Notably, the concentration of diazinon in amaranth reached 0.272 ± 0.156mg/kg, indicating a significant presence of this pesticide. From this study, chlorpyrifos and marathion emerged as the predominant pesticides, significantly surpassing Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) established by international food safety standards. The Estimated dietary intake (EDI) for chlorpyrifos was determined to be 0.004mg/kg body weight per day, with an acceptable daily intake (ADI) of 0.01mg/kg body weight per day, the resulting hazard index (HI) values for chlorpyrifos in both chinese cabbage and amaranth was >1, indicating a significant risk of adverse health effects from chronic exposure. The findings underscore a critical public health concern as consumption of these vegetables may expose consumers to harmful pesticide levels, particularly vulnerable populations such as children and agricultural workers.
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    Traditional vegetable preparation methods in rural Tanzania and carotenoids retention and in-vitro iron bioavailability in vegetable dishes
    (Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2007) NGEGBA,JOYCE BONIFACE
    Vitamin A and iron deficiency problems affect a huge proportion of population in Sub-Sahara Africa including Tanzania and vegetables are potential rich and sustainable sources of these nutrients. This study was designed to investigate feasible food preparation methods to increase carotenoids retention and iron bioavailability of leafy vegetable dishes traditionally prepared by Tanzanian households. The first part of the study used structured questionnaire to interview 156 women in Arumeru, Singida, and Kongwa districts to identify the traditional methods of preparing indigenous vegetables. The second phase assessed lutein and P-carotene retention and in-vitro iron bioavailability in sweet potato leaf dishes. The most consumed vegetables identified by the survey were amaranth (81.4%), jute mallow (75%) and sweet potato leaves (64.7%), most commonly cooked by boiling in Singida and Kongwa and by stir-fiying in Arumeru districts. In the laboratory, fresh and dried sweet potato leaves were prepared by traditional modified methods. Traditional methods involved cooking with sunflower oil and without oil. Modified methods involved the use of oil, tomato, lemon and soybean. In-vitro iron bioavailability was done by simulating gastrointestinal digestion system. Carotenoids were analysed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography method. Traditional methods retained carotenoids in the range of 17 - 72%, while modified methods retained carotenoids in the range of 60 - 116%. Iron bioavailability was improved by 1.52 - 3.30% in modified dishes. The highest levels of P-carotene and lutein retention and iron bioavailability were obtained in dishes cooked with oil + tomato. The study concludes that modifiediii preparation methods with appropriate ingredients have potential for retaining lutein and 0-carotene; and improve in-vitro iron bioavailability. Furthermore, dishes with higher retention of lutein and 0-carotene also showed higher iron bioavailability, suggesting a relationship between the two. Hence there is a need for further studies to explain this relationship.
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    Determinants of food choice and body mass index among rural and urban adolescents: a case of Arusha and Arumeru districts
    (Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2011) MANGARE,TABUSIA GODSON
    This study was conducted in Arumeru District and Arusha Municipality to represent rural and urban areas respectively. The main objective of the study was to determine factors that influence food choice and Body Mass Index among rural and urban adolescents. A cross- sectional research design was used to collect data. Respondents’ selection was done using multistage, purposive and simple random sampling. Pre-tested questionnaire was used to interview sampled 278 male and female adolescents. Height and weight measurements were taken from the interviewed adolescents. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were carried out using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 12.0. W1 lO-AnthroPhis software was used to compute BMI-for-age (Z-score) and the mean ±SD was 0.46 ±1.20. The study revealed that education level of the mother, nutrition/healthy benefits and taste of the food were the major determinants of respondents’ food choice. The statistical difference (P < 0.001) was found between the preferred food (from globalized/exotic food) and residence. These respondents usually consumed types of food from traditional/local food, no significant difference (P< 0.05) was found between rural and urban adolescents. However more respondents (93.2%) ate globalizcd/exotic foods than traditional/local foods (5%) as snacks. Factors that affect nutrition status of respondents are education level of parents/guardians, socioeconomic status, sex and residence. Prevalence of overweight/obese adolescents was higher in urban (19.0%) than rural (1.5%) adolescents and in female (15.2%) than male (5.3%) adolescents. The significant difference (P <0.05) was found in the awareness and attitude towards globalized or exotic foods between urban and rural adolescents. It is recommended from this study that the responsible authority should emphasize on nutrition education to the public and schools so as to build a healthy nation.
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    Development of Value-Added Pigeon Peas-Based Products for Recipe Diversification in Lindi Region: A Consumer and Market-Driven Approach
    (Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2023-11) Majili Zahra Saidi
    Pigeon peas is among legume rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Despite the nutritional importance of pigeon peas, in Tanzania, the crop has not been fully utilized for human consumption in different types of recipes. Among the documented reasons for the lack of diversification of pigeon peas recipes include inadequate processing skills and technologies, low storage capacities, knowledge, and experience. Hence, this study aimed to develop value-added pigeon peas-based products to diversify recipes for nutrition improvement. Specifically, the study aimed at (i) characterize the existing pigeon peas recipes and their consumption pattern (ii) develop value-added pigeon peas-based products and test their sensory attributes(iii) assess the preferences and acceptability of the developed products and (iv) assess willingness to pay for the newly developed pigeon peas- based product. Methods: The study was conducted in Mitumbati and Mibure villages in Nachingwea and Ruangwa Districts in Lindi region. A cross-sectional study was conducted to collect both quantitative and qualitative information using a structured questionnaire and checklist with guiding questions, respectively. Information about crops grown, foods, legumes, pigeon peas consumption patterns and the existing pigeon peas recipes was collected. Optimal formulation of the product was done using Linear Programming simplex methods for minimizing costs while maximizing nutrients. Tanzania and Kenya Food Composition Tables were used to get nutrient contents of the ingredients used for formulating the products. Laboratory based experiments was conducted during product development whereas formulation and production of products’ samples were done. The experiments involved developing pigeon peas-based v noodles and porridge flour. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) of the developed pigeon peas-based products was also done. Complete and Incomplete Randomized Block Designs were used to assess the preference of pigeon peas- based instant porridge and noodles, respectively. Stated Preference Method was used to assess willingness to pay for developed products. Statistical Product for Service Solution, R, Consumer checker, Excel and XLSTAT were used for data analysis. Deductive thematic content analysis was used for qualitative data to summarize themes and factors which drive their preferences. For quantitative data, descriptive and inferential statistics were computed. Mean and standard deviation were used to summarize the continuous variables and frequencies were used to summarize categorical variables. The median and interquartile ranges were used to summarize continuous variables that were not normally distributed. Pairwise comparison counts and Garrett mean rank scores were used to summarize the ranked data. Significance tests for non- parametric data were determined using Kruskal Wallis, Mann–Whitney U and Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Spearman correlation was computed to determine the associations among variables. For the ordered dependent variables, ordinal regression was used to analyse the effect between groups’ overall levels and the outcome variables. The Analysis of Variance was used to compare mean difference between samples. Tukey test was used for mean separation of the samples. Multivariate analysis was used to determine the multidimensional and possible relations of the samples against sensory attributes, and map individual preferences. The logistic regression analysis model was used to determine predictors for willingness to pay for the developed noodles. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. vii Results: The mean pigeon peas consumption during the harvesting and lean seasons was 80 and 18 g/person/day, respectively. Five major recipes existed in the study area. The majority (84%) of farmers consumed pigeon peas as a stew (green, dried or dehulled). Other recipes consumed in the area included pigeon peas mixed with other foods and consumed as snack (boiled green pigeon peas). Twelve pigeon peas-based products were identified and prioritized. The highest ranked scores for pigeon peas-based noodles (70.6), flour (61.4) and chapati (60.4) was observed. Results also indicated that 70% of variation on preference ranking scores among prioritized pigeon peas-based food types and consumer categories. Eight and four samples of pigeon peas-based noodles (PPBN) and instant porridge (PPIP) respectively, were formulated and developed. The main ingredient for PPBN was pigeon peas, wheat flour and orange fleshed sweet potatoes. Based on linear programming formulation the protein content for PPBN ranged from 41 to 58.2 g/100 g of dry matter. The highest amount of computed iron content per developed sample was as follows; observed in sample PPNB193 (26.4 mg/100 g), PPBN136 (21 mg/100 g) and PPBN718 (19.3 mg/100 g). The highest value of zinc and pro-vitamin A was observed in sample PPBN136. The highest mean intensity score for colour, aroma and mouthfeel was observed in samples PPBN718, PPBN193 and PPBN136. The average mean of overall liking was higher for samples PPBN718 (4.5 ± 1.25 (SD)), PPBN136 (4.5 ± 1.08 (SD)) and PPBN193 (4.5 ± 1.02 (SD)). The correlation loadings indicated that the samples were preferred due to their colour and aroma. For instant porridge, the main ingredients used in the formulation were pigeon peas, maize and OFSP (or pumpkin ix flour). The highest value of protein (17.5g/100 g), iron (7.9 g/100 g), zinc (5.4 mg/100 g) and pro-vitamin A (308.5 μg/100 g) was observed in sample PPIPofspr. Similarly, the highest mean intensity scores for colour (8.7), aroma (7.7), mouthfeel (7.8), sweetness (7.1), viscosity (7.9) and overall liking (4.9 ± 0.29 (SD) was observed in sample PPIPofspr. The correlation loadings indicated that sample PPIPofspr was the most preferred sample based to its mouthfeel, sweetness, colour and aroma attributes. The average amount of maize porridge (MP) and PPIP consumed among children was 137.7 g ± 48.4 (SD) and 128.3 g ± 47.1 (SD) with differences among children's age at p < 0.05. A Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed that there was no significant difference in mean consumption between PPIP and MP (Z = -1.402, p = 0.161). About 88% of children consumed amount of PPIP more than 50% of the amount of maize porridge consumed. About 90% of children were equally fast in opening their mouth, responsive and satisfied for both MP and PPIP. Over three quarters (86%) of the consumers were willing to pay for the developed PPBN at the median price of TZS 2000 (IQR =1500, 2200) for a package size of 1000g. Likewise, 85% of consumers were willing to pay for developed instant porridge flour at an average price of TZS 1610.28 ± 546.84 for 1000g. The significant predictors (p < 0.05) of willingness to pay included the cost of the product, pack size, and purchasing power for household food. Conclusion: Consumers prioritized pigeon peas-based noodles, flour, chapati and dhal as the food products to be developed due to their perceived value, sensory attributes and convenience. Pigeon peas-based noodles and porridge flour were developed products in this study. Addition of pigeon peas flour into noodles and maize porridge flour improves protein, iron and zinc content of it. The developed xi PPBN and PPIP were preferred by majority of consumers Consumers were willing to pay for developed PPBN and PPIP due to their taste, colour and estimated selling price. Multiple interrelated factors such as sensory attributes, price per portion size and familiarity about the product should be considered to due to its colour, aroma and mouthfeel attributes. meet consumers’ culinary taste that are adequate, culturally acceptable and consumed sustainably.
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    Food vending marketing and promotion strategies in school environments in Tanzania
    (The sub Saharan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2023-12-26) Muhomba, Elina S.; Msollo, Safiness S.; Mwanri, Akwilina W.
    Marketing and consumption of ultra-processed foods have increased across countries in Africa and it is associated with the risk of childhood obesity. The current school food environment has been reported to contribute to the increase in obesity rates worldwide; hence a need for increasing attention to the roles of the school environment in changing children’s dietary behaviour. This study assessed marketing and promotion strategies for foods sold around the school environments in Tanzania. A cross-sectional study involved 335 parent/caregiver-child pairs from rural and urban settings of Morogoro region. A stratified sampling technique was used to acquire a sample of children from registered primary schools. The schools were stratified into districts based on location and sampled separately through a probability sampling technique whereby, the population of school children in each school was divided into strata based on school ownership and area of residence. A total of eight schools were sampled with an equal number of private and public schools in each of the locations. Data on food marketing and promotion strategies were collected from 32 food vendors while information on food availability and factors influencing purchasing behavior were obtained from the children through structured questions. An observation checklist was used to collect additional information on food availability and marketing and promotion strategies for foods sold around the school environment. Data was analyzed using IBM -SPSS) version 21 software. Chi-square was used to test the difference between foods available in rural and urban school environments. The findings revealed that 60% of foods were processed in rural compared to urban areas (40%). More ultra-processed foods such as carbonated soft drinks, candies and ice lollies were identified in the urban (60.8%) than in rural-based schools (39.2%). The most purchased foods around schools were potato balls (49.4%), ice cream (47.5%), corn snacks (chama) (46.2%), chocolates (43.9%), carbonated soft drinks (37.3%), candies (36.6%) and sweet ice-lollies (34.4%). The most common marketing and promotion strategies around schools were posters, price reduction and packaging. Feeling hungry, food price, environment and social pressure were the factors contributing to food purchasing behaviour for foods sold around schools. Most of the foods consumed around the schools were ultra-processed and multiple marketing and promotion methods were used. The government through the Ministry of Education should regulate the types of foods sold in schools and plan for healthier school meals for all students by strengthening the school feeding program.
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    Bioactive compounds in Diospyros mafiensis roots inhibit growth, sporulation and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus
    (Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2017-01-20) Mmongoyo, J.A.; Nair, M.G.; Linz, J.E.; Wu, F.; Mugula, J.K.; Dissanayake, A.A.; Zhang, C.; Day, D.M.; Wee, J.M.; Strasburg, G.M.
    Diospyros mafiensis F. White is a medicinal shrub or small tree (6 m tall) widely distributed in the Zanzibar- Inhambane regional mosaic and traditionally used to treat leprosy, diarrhoea, and skin fungal infections in Tanzania and Mozambique. Our objective was to determine the anti-aflatoxigenic properties of compounds from D. mafiensis root bark against vegetative growth, sporulation and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Bioassay-guided extraction, fractionation, and isolation of bioactive compounds using A. parasiticus B62 were employed. The bioactive compounds were elucidated using 1 H and 13 CNMR and LC-MS. Growth inhibition was determined by measuring the colony diameter of A. flavus AF3357 and A. parasiticus SU-1 ATCC56775. Inhibitory effects on sporulation were estimated using a haemocytometer. Total aflatoxin was quantified by direct competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Bioactive compounds diosquinone (DQ) and 3-hydroxydiosquinone (3HDQ) were identified. DQ weakly inhibited A. flavus and A. parasiticus vegetative growth (MIC 50 >100 μg/ml) and 3HDQ strongly inhibited A. flavus (MIC 50 = 14.9 μg/ml) and A. parasiticus (MIC 50 = 39.1 μg/ml). DQ strongly reduced total aflatoxin production by A. flavus from 157 to 36 ng/plate, and by A. parasiticus from 1,145 ng/plate to 45 ng/plate at 100 μg/ml. 3HDQ reduced total aflatoxin production by A. parasiticus from 1,145 to 32 ng/plate; stimulated production by A. flavus from 157 to 872 ng/plate at 12.5 μg/ml but reduced to 45 ng/plate at 100 μg/ ml. In summary, DQ and 3HDQ could be used as natural antifungal compounds to prevent mould growth and aflatoxin accumulation in food and feed.
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    Dietary intake of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids among pregnant and breastfeeding women in Morogoro, Tanzania
    (Academic Journals, 2023-10-26) Tesha, Tesha Anna Peter; Mwanri, Akwilina Wendelin; Nyaruhucha, Cornelio
    A new-born’s health and wellbeing is determined by the diet and lifestyle of the mother prior, during and after conception. Polyunsaturated fatty acids play an important role for proper development of brain and other organs in the body. This study sought to assess dietary intake of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids among pregnant and breastfeeding women in Morogoro municipality, Tanzania. About 318 women completed a repeated 24 h dietary recall questionnaire. For calculation of fatty acid intake, the foods consumed by each participant were entered independently in Nutri Survey software where the amount of nutrients consumed by each individual was calculated and then exported to SPSS for further analysis. The results showed high intake of non-alcoholic and carbonated beverages (213.4 g/day) and low intake of omega 6 and omega 3 rich foods (54.6 g/day). More than half could not attain the recommended minimum dietary diversity score. The average intake of important omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids ranged from 0.06 to 1.19 g/day and 0.17 to 0.25 g/day, respectively. When compared with the recommended intake of energy as well as important omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids for both pregnant and breastfeeding women, there were gaps in all of these aspects. Intake of omega 6 and omega 3 rich foods among pregnant and breastfeeding women was lower than recommended. Nutrition education on consumption of appropriate polyunsaturated fatty acid rich foods prior, during and after pregnancy should be given to all women of reproductive age.
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    Risk scores for selective screening for gestational diabetes in Sub Saharan Africa
    (Nova Science Publishers, 2020) Mwanri, Akwilina Wendelin; Msollo, Safiness Simon
    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a threat to maternal and child health. Timely detection and proper management of GDM may reduce the risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes and improve wellbeing of the mother and the child. Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide with the highest increase noted in middle- and low-income countries. These countries also suffer from limited resources to properly diagnose and manage gestational diabetes mellitus and other pregnancy complications. This chapter reviews the existing selective screening methods and their application in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). The current guideline recommends universal screening for all pregnant women at any time during pregnancy to ensure that affected women have the opportunity of receiving proper management to prevent adverse outcomes. However, in the countries with limited human, infrastructure and financial resources, this may be a challenge. The use of selective screening reduces the number of unnecessary oral glucose tolerance test hence maximize the use of available resources. Nevertheless, the use of selective screening may still have challenges due to lack of uniformity and variations on results from application of the risk scores. The methods used to identify risk factors vary across the countries depending on the research design, selection of participants, gestational age at screening and diagnosis criteria used. Some risk score models did not perform well because of the challenges in proper identification of risk factors; for example, body mass index (BMI) is known to be one of the important predictors of GDM. However, some studies use pre-gestational BMI by maternal recall of body weight before conception while others used BMI at first clinic visit regardless of gestational age. Furthermore, there are variations in gestational age at screening and diagnosis method used. There is a need to develop country specific checklist for the risk factors which is simple, clear and easy to use at the clinic and for self-identification to enhance self-care.
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    Maternal socio-economic and cultural influence on feeding practices and nutritional status of children aged 0-23 months: a case of Muheza district.
    (Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2010) Kilimali Emma Vincent
    Maternal socio-economic and cultural factors such as marital status, educational level, occupation and economic status may have some influence on feeding practices and hence nutritional status of children under two years of age. This study aimed at investigating maternal social, economic and cultural influences on feeding practices and nutritional status of under two years of age children in Muhcza district of Tanga region; using a cross-sectional survey design. A .questionnaire was used to collect socio-economic and feeding practices data; focus group discussions were conducted to collect cultural data. Nutritional status assessment was done using summary indices of nutritional status: weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed for all variables using ■> Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). Anthropometric data was analyzed using Nutrisurvey for SMART software and was later on transported to SPSS for further analysis. More than half of mothers (77.6%) fed their babies colostrum. Nearly half (49%) of the mothers initiated breastfeeding within one hour, and only 19.1% infants were exclusively breastfed. Mothers’ educational level and monthly income came out to be significant risk factors for improper initiation of breastfeeding (P<0.05). Exclusive breastfeeding was highly associated with educational level of the mothers (P<0.05) rather than any other socio-economic variables. The introduction of complementary foods was found to be influenced by marital status (P<0.05) and monthly income of the mother (P<0.01). Among all under two years of age children surveyed, 11.2% were underweight, 37.5% were stunted, and 6.6% were wasted. There was a significant relationship between feeding practices of under two years of age children and maternal socio-economic and iii cultural practices. The study revealed that under-nutrition of the under two children was an important public problem in the area. Family members especially mothers need to be provided with knowledge and skills on child feeding practices so that they could adopt correct feeding practices to overcome the possible consequences of malnutrition.
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    Dietary intake and diversity among children of age 6–59 months in lowland and highland areas in Kilosa District in Morogoro, Tanzania
    (Elservier, 2023-06-27) Mrema, J.D.; Nyaruhucha, C.N.; Mwanri, A.W.
    Adequate nutrition during infancy and early childhood is essential to ensure children’s growth, health, and development to their full potential. Geographical area may influence dietary intake and, hence, the population’s nutritional status. This study aimed to assess dietary intake among children aged 6–59 months in the lowland and highland areas in the Kilosa District, Morogoro. A cross-sectional study involved 200 randomly selected households from the lowland and 141 in the highland areas. Socio-demographic characteristics, feeding prac­ tices, and 24-h dietary recall information were collected using a pre-tested questionnaire. In assessing dietary intake, a single day 24-h dietary recall was used where a mother/care giver was asked to recall foods and beverages fed to the child in the 24 h prior to the interview. Mean daily nutrient intake (calorie, vitamin A, iron, calcium and zinc) were estimated using NutriSurvey version 2007 with food database from Tanzania Food composition table. Furthermore, Dietary Diversity Score was done by grouping the mentioned foods into the seven main food groups which are grains, roots and tubers; legumes and nuts; Vitamin A rich fruits and vege­ tables; other fruits and vegetable; dairy products; and flesh foods and eggs. For each food group consumed, a score of one was assigned and a zero score for the non-consumed group. Inadequate intakes of vitamin A, cal­cium, and iron were observed more in younger children of age 6–12 months, where none of them met the RDA in both areas. There was a significant difference only in fat intake in children aged 12–36 months between the lowland and highland areas. Children who reside in the lowland area had a significantly more diversified diet. Nutrition education with promotion of home gardening and keeping small animals is necessary to ensure household food availability which subsequently will facilitate dietary diversification.
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    Farmer’s knowledge and practices on proper use of pesticides on tomato production to ensure safety among consumers: a case study of Mvomero district, Morogoro
    (Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2023) Fundikira, S. S.; Selestine, E.; Msollo, S. S.
    Farmer’s knowledge and practices on proper use of pesticides in vegetables production is very crucial for increasing productivity while reducing the associated health risks. However, knowledge and practices on the use of pesticides in tomatoes production is limited. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing knowledge and practices on proper use of pesticides in tomatoes production for appropriate interventions. A cross sectional study was done at Doma and Mlali wards in Mvomero district among 120 randomly selected tomato farmers who were face to face interviewed using a questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were done using SPSSTM version 20. Results showed that 100% of farmers used pesticides to control tomato pests and diseases of which 54% preferred Snow tiger (Chlorofenapyr) and Dudumetrin (Sumithrin). About 85% reported to be reading pesticide instructions before applying but 45.8% among them did not adhere to the instructions claiming the recommended dosage to be inefficient. About 57% harvest tomatoes after seven days while others harvest at any time when they get customers. Ninety two percent of the farmers know the effects of improper use of pesticides on health however; among them 20% are not sure of the specific health effects. Knowledge on health effects of improper use of pesticide was significantly associated with reading instructional labels (AOR 2.99, 95% CI: 1.06-3.95) after adjusting for education levels and attending trainings on pesticides use. Generally, there is low knowledge on proper use of pesticides in tomatoes production and their associated health effects which creates a need for educating farmers and the public on proper use of pesticides to safeguard the health of consumers.
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    Knowledge and perceptions on overweight and obesity among adults in Same district, Tanzania
    (East African Journal of Science, Technology and Innovation, 2023-09-14) Massawe, E. S.; Msollo, S. S.
    Overweight and obesity are nutritional problems requiring great attention in both developed and developing countries where nutrition knowledge is confined to few people allied with health sectors. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess knowledge and perception about overweight and obesity among 362 adults aged 25-55 years in Same District, Kilimanjaro Region. This age group comprises active people at higher risk of non-communicable diseases, and much of the effects may not be due to aging. A structured questionnaire was administered through a face-to-face interview to obtain demographic characteristics, nutrition knowledge and perception about overweight and obesity. Standard WHO Anthropometric procedure of weight and height measurement was used to obtain Body Mass Index (BMI) which was categorized as normal (18.5-24.9kg/m2), overweight (25-29.9kg/m2) and obesity (≥30 kg/m2). A high prevalence of overweight (23%) and obesity (17%) was observed among adults. Women were more overweight (28%) and obese (23%) as compared to men (14%) and (6%) respectively. About 80% perceived their body weight as being normal but in reality, only 51% were confirmed to be normal. Also, 22% of overweight respondents perceived their body weight as normal and 10.5% of obese people perceived their BMI as being overweight. Nevertheless, 60% perceived an obese person as healthy and rich and 26% perceived a thin person as poor and unhealthy because they associated thinness with illness such as HIV/AIDS. Obesity was significantly related to income, sex, parity of the mother, education levels, perception and employment status at P<0.005. The high prevalence of overweight and obesity, lack of nutrition knowledge and poor perception about body weight may increase the risks of developing non- communicable diseases. Hence, these findings will assist health-related stakeholders to design appropriate interventions to reduce the problems.
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    Compliance to recommended prevention and management practices among type 2 diabetes patients in Morogoro municipality, Tanzania
    (Tanzania Journal of Health Research, 2024-04-02) Bofu, Hasna; Msollo, Safiness Simon; Mwanri, Akwilina Wendelin
    Introduction: Diabetes-related complications are the significant causes of morbidity and mortality among type 2 diabetes patients. The complications can be reduced by practising and maintaining several preventive measures. The present study aimed to assess compliance and factors associated with recommended management practices and prevention of complications among type 2 diabetes patients in selected health facilities in Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. Methods: A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to May 2023 among 140 patients diagnosed with diabetes for at least three months before the study. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews using a structured questionnaire, which included patients’ characteristics and a previously validated Summary of Diabetes Self-care Activities questionnaire to assess patients' compliance with recommended practices. A multi variable regression analysis was employed to identify factors associated with compliance with recommended practices. Results: The mean age of the respondents was59 ±12.08 years and 65% were females. Among 140 patients, 91.4% (n=128) had poor or unsatisfactory self-care practices with an overall mean of 3.81± 2.08 days per week for diabetes management. The recommended practices with good or satisfactory performance were non-smoking, non-alcohol drinking and prescribed medication. In contrast,unsatisfactory performance was observed for self-monitoring blood glucose and physical activities. Multiple regression analysis showed that co-morbidity (AOR 4.5; 95% CI: 1.14-18.02) and being employed (AOR 4.4; 95% CI:1.25-15.44) independently predict self-care practices. Conclusion and recommendation: Compliance with self-monitoring of blood glucose, physical exercise and dietary practices were found to be low among type 2 diabetes patients, which could increase the risk of complications. Nutritional and lifestyle counselling and the use of peer groups should be emphasized to improve compliance with recommended practices.
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    Prevalence, knowledge and practices on prevention and management of overweight and obesity among adults in Dodoma City, Tanzania
    (PLOS ONE, 2024-01-30) Msollo, Safiness Simon; Shausi, Gosbert Lukenku; Mwanri, Akwilina Wendelin
    Overweight/obesity is increasing leading to high rates of non-communicable diseases. The study aimed to assess the prevalence, knowledge and practices on prevention and management of overweight/obesity among adults in Dodoma region. Methodology A cross- sectional research was conducted among 313 randomly selected adults aged 25– 65 years. Face to face interviews were conducted to obtain demographic information, knowledge on preventing and managing overweight/obesity using a pre-tested questionnaire. Weight and height were measured following standard procedures and nutrition status was categorized using WHO criteria. Dietary intake was assessed using qualitative 24 hours recall to obtain dietary diversity score. Data was analyzed using the SPSS™ Version 20 to obtain descriptive and inferential statistics. Results About 62.6% (n = 196) of the participants were females. The overall prevalence of overweight/obesity was 59.7% (n = 186) of which 28% (n = 88) were overweight and 31.3% (n = 98) obese. Obesity was three times higher among females (41.8% vs 13.7%) than males. Overweight/obesity was positively associated with female sex (Adjusted OR 2.34; 95%CI: 1.235–4.68; p = 0.001), low knowledge (Adjusted OR 2.15; 95%CI: 1.22–3.81; p = 0.008) and negatively associated with dietary diversity score (Adjusted OR 0. 452; 95%CI: 0.199– 1.87; p = 0.03). About 76% of respondents reported that overweight/obesity is a result of consuming high energy (38.8%; n = 92) and high fat foods (27%; n = 63). More than half of the respondents reported to be insensitive with kind of foods they consume and for those who were sensitive, 64% do so to avoid diseases. Furthermore, 60% control their weight by doing physical exercises while 18% by both physical exercises and diet management. However, about 43% did not know foods exposing individuals to health problems. Conclusion and recommendations High prevalence of overweight/obesity was observed and significantly associated with female sex, low dietary diversity and knowledge on overweight/obesity prevention. This creates a need to improve knowledge on prevention of overweight/obesity.
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    Dietary diversity and anthropometric status of students at universities in Dodoma and Morogoro Regions, Tanzania
    (AJOL, 2024-04) Muhimbula Happiness; Mgetta Neema John
    Background: Young adulthood is a transitional period that provides an opportunity to influence immediate and future eating behavior and good nutritional status. As diets evolve during young adulthood due to changes in circumstances and the introduction of new influences, young adults are a significant population group that influences future eating behaviours and prevents the development of NCDS. There is scanty information on the relationship between dietary diversity and the nutritional status of university students in Tanzania. This study aimed to find the synergy between university students' anthropometric status and dietary diversity in Morogoro and Dodoma regions of Tanzania. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 247 University students in Morogoro and Dodoma regions (130 from Mzumbe University and 117 from Saint John’s University) respectively. The two Universities were purposively selected from each region. Data on Dietary diversity was collected using food groups from DDS to obtain the dietary score of each student. Anthropometric measures such as weight, height and waist circumference were done to obtain the anthropometric status of the University students. Results: The descriptive cross-sectional study involved 247 University students. In comparative chi-square analysis, the association was found among different socio-demographic characteristics of the University students. The p-value < 0.05 was used to determine the association among the variables. Conclusion: In conclusion, university students are a vulnerable group in developing obesity/overweight due to the transitional stage. Being overweight and obese was associated with being female, increased age and being married. High dietary diversity was also linked with abdominal obesity. Factors that can help describe and understand the anthropometric status of university students have also been identified. These include years of study, religion, and university location. Therefore, efforts to adopt good lifestyle behaviours should be sensitized amongst this sub-population to reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases in the long run.
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    Drivers of millet consumption among school aged children in Central Tanzania
    (2021-08) Chande Monica; Muhimbula Happiness; Mremi Ruth; Muzanila Yasinta C.; Kumwenda Nelson C; Msuya John; Msere Harry; Bekunda Mateete; Okori Patrick; Gichohi-Wainaina Wanjiku N.
    Background: Iron and zinc deficiency are common public health problems in low-income countries largely due to poor consumption of iron and zinc rich foods. It has previously been observed that 57% of school aged children (SAC) in Tanzania suffer from anemia. In addition, estimates indicate that over 25% of the population have inadequate zinc intake. Pearl millet is an example of a nutrient dense, resilient cereal crop, that can be promoted to diversify diets and combat iron and zinc deficiency. This study overall aim was to increase pearl millet consumption among school aged (5 – 12 years) children. As part of the study, we investigated, the drivers of food choice relating to pearl millet consumption. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional study of randomly selected households in Kongwa district, Dodoma region of Tanzania. In total, 128 women of reproductive age (20 – 49 years) were randomly selected for the study. A study questionnaire consisting of 66 items, was developed and validated. The constructs in the questionnaire were categorized in two groups: internal and external factors. Respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with statements read to them by interviewers. The scores on intention and behavior constructs were based on the number of times caregivers intended to, or had fed their school going children with pearl millet in the referent month. Intention was considered high if it was higher than the median intention score of the group, and low if it was equal to or lower than the median scores. Correlations and multiple linear regressions were performed to measure association between constructs and to identify predictive constructs. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for score comparison. Results: There was a significant difference between intention and behavior among those who did not consume pearl millet (P = 0.003), and those who consumed pearl millet two or more times a week, in the same month (P = 0.01). Knowledge was significantly correlated with behavior identity (ρ = 0.58, P = 0.001), while health behavior identity was significantly correlated with intention (ρ = 0.31, P = 0.001). Intention of caregivers was significantly and positively correlated (ρ = 0.44, P = 0.001) with and predicted consumption of pearl millet (ρ = 0.87, P = 0.067). Conclusion: Increasing knowledge or awareness on nutritional benefits of pearl millet among caregivers may increase consumption of pearl millet by children of school going age.
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    Overweight and obesity among adults in Same District, Tanzania
    (AJOL, 2016) Msollo, S. S.; Chivaghula T. J.; Muhimbula H. S.; Krawinkel M.; Kinabo J.
    Overweight and obesity are malnutrition which needs great attention due to their health consequences. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 362 adults aged 25-55 years in 2012 to examine the prevalence of overweight, obesity and risk factors through; assessing nutritional status, dietary intake and physical activities in lowland and highland areas of Same District, Kilimanjaro Region. Demographic, dietary intake and physical activity were obtained using a structured questionnaire. Weight, height, waist and hip circumferences were determined using standard WHO procedures. Data were analyzed using Statistical Product and Service Solutions version 16, excels and NutriSurvey 2007 program. The prevalence of overweight was 23% and obesity 17%. Women were more than 4 times likely to be overweight and obese compared to men (OR 5.53, 95% CI: 3.11 – 9.82). Lowland had high prevalence of overweight and obesity compared to highland areas (OR 2.034, 95% CI: 1.138-2.952). About 33% of lowland subjects had excess energy intake compared to 23% of highland (p=0.050). Positive energy balance was significantly associated with overweight and obesity (OR 1.12, 95% CI: 0.66 – 1.91). The mean Physical Activity Level for highland was 2.2 compared to 1.87 of lowland areas (p<0.05). Overweight and obesity was significantly related to income, sex, residence, education, farming technology, carrying produce, occupation, employment, energy balance and age (P<0.005). The high prevalence of overweight and obesity especially in lowland may be due to physical activities and energy intake which are controllable. These findings will assist health stakeholders to allow design of appropriate interventions to reduce the problems
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    Determinants of infant nutrition status in rural farming households before and after harvest
    (WILEY, 2019-04-06) Muhimbula Happiness; Kinabo Joyce; O'Sullivan Aifric
    Infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices determine infant growth, develop- ment and health. Despite global recommendations for exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months, adherence rates are low worldwide for different reasons, largely dependent on environment. In low‐income countries, inappropriate IYCF leads to poor nutrition status. This study examined IYCF practices and nutrition outcomes in rural farming households in Tanzania before and after harvest. Mothers and their infants were recruited from two regions in Tanzania. Demographics, health status, IYCF practices, anthropometrics and haemoglobin were measured; preharvest and postharvest. Regression analysis modelled the relationship between IYCF and nutrition outcomes. Despite high rates of breastfeeding a large proportion did not meet early initiation of breastfeeding and minimum acceptable diet standards. Undernutrition was high with 30–40% of infants classified as stunted depending on season, and the majority (81%) were anaemic. Early initiation of breastfeeding was associated with higher Length‐ for‐age z‐score and weight‐for‐age z‐score and lower risk of stunting and under- weight (p < 0.05). The introduction of fluids other than breast milk in the first 3 days after birth was associated with lower weight‐for‐age z‐score and increased under- weight (p < 0.05). Maternal age and height were strongly and positively associated with child anthropometrics. Findings confirm the importance of early infant feeding practices for growth and development and emphasize the significance of mother's nutrition status in relation to infant health. Future interventions should focus on improving maternal nutrition status before, during and after pregnancy as well as edu- cating and supporting mothers to adopt appropriate infant feeding including breastfeeding practices for the prevention of undernutrition.
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    Drivers of pigeon pea consumption among school-aged children in Central Tanzania
    (Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2022-01-03) Gichohi-Wainaina Wanjiku N.; Mremi Ruth; Chande Monica; Msuya John M.; Kumwenda Nelson C.; Muzanila Yasinta C.; Msere Harry; Muhimbula Happiness; Bekunda Mateete; Okori Patrick
    Background: Protein energy malnutrition (PEM) and iron deficiencies (ID) are of major public health concern in Tanzania including among school-aged children. PEM and ID in early childhood have serious, long-term consequences because they impede motor, sensory, social and emotional development, growth retardation, poor cognitive development, learning disability of children, lowered resistance to infectious diseases, and reduced physical work capacity. The objective of this study was to elucidate the drivers of pigeon pea consumption among school-aged children in Dodoma district, Central Tanzania. Understanding these drivers would be useful in promoting pigeon pea consumption among school-aged children as one of the strategies to increase dietary protein and iron intake. Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study in which data were collected using a questionnaire based on a combination of the Theory of Planned Behavior and Health Belief Model. The data were collected from caregivers (n = 138) in four villages in Kongwa district, Dodoma region, Central Tanzania. We used correlations and multiple regressions to assess associations between constructs and identify predictive constructs. Mann–Whitney U tests were used for score comparisons with a significant p-value set at <0.10. Results: Health value was significantly correlated with health behavior identity (r s = 0.63, p < 0.001) and also significantly predicted health behavior identity (r s = 0.49, p = 0.001). The constructs cues to action and control belief were significantly associated with intention (β = −0.41, p = 0.059 and β = 0.06, p = 0.019 respectively). Finally, we observed that intention was a significant predictor of behavior (β = 1.38, p = 0.001). We also observed a significant negative interaction between perceived barriers and intention to consume pigeon pea (β = −0.04, p = 0.006), indicating that perceived barriers limit intention to consume pigeon pea. Conclusion and Implication: Our findings indicate that when the caregiver places increased importance on preventing her school-aged child from being iron or protein deficient or indeed anemic (health value), it results in a positive evaluation of the effectiveness of giving pigeon pea to address these nutrient deficiencies. Programs and efforts aimed at promoting pigeon pea consumption should focus on educating caregivers on iron and protein deficiency and the role that pigeon pea could play in addressing these. However, perceived barriers such as pest infestation during storage need to be addressed to increase pigeon pea consumption. The involvement of post-harvest management specialists is therefore crucial. Along with this, increasing productivity and crop management is also crucial to ensure year-round affordable supply of pigeon pea.
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    Determinants of child undernutrition in Tanzania: agriculture and season perspective: a review
    (Science Publishing Group, 2024-01-08) Muhimbula, Happiness Samuel
    The causes of undernutrition are known to be complex and interrelated which need responses and solutions from different sectors to effectively design proper nutrition interventions. The UNICEF conceptual framework is a useful tool for understanding the causes of undernutrition and serves as a guide for assessing and analysing the causes, particularly among children in developing countries. Identifying determinants of child nutrition status is a necessary step in designing interventions, policies and programme that can support the scaling up of nutrition. This review scrutinizes undernutrition and its determinants based on the UNICEF conceptual framework on malnutrition. Poor feeding practices and characteristic of complementary foods were observed as immediate causes while household’s food insecurity, environmental factors such as agricultural practices and seasonal influences as underlying determinants particularly in rural households. The highlight from this review suggests that seasons had significant impact on both immediate and underlying determinants of undernutrition and therefore intervention to improve nutrition status should consider variation in agriculture seasons. Lastly, multicomponent interventions focusing on agricultural interventions and practices that are affecting immediate changes in nutrition status among infants and young children are emphasized. Future attempt to improve children nutrition status in rural households should be multicomponent addressing nutrition sensitives farming practices including rural livestock intensification, poverty alleviation and considering agricultural seasons in all planning.