The economics of resource use under the traditional farming system in Kondoa district : the case of Bereko division

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


The study attempts to investigate the economics of Traditional Farming Systems (TFS) in Bereko division by .identifying the physical, technical and policy factors shaping this TFS. In addition the study attempts to determine the likely adjustments of the system given some changes in factors to be identified in the Traditional Farming system. To analyse the system a multiple regression model was developed for all major crops and two individual crops - maize, and fingermillet. The results revealed that there is a positive relationship between output and available resources (of land, labour and capital), and cropping practices. The results also show that there is a negative relationship in relation to technology used. This means that by adding (or improving) the existing resource and cropping practices productivity will increase in the study area. In order to determine the likely adjustments in the system a LP model was developed for the typical crop mixture in the study area. From the basic model changes (adjustments) were effected in respect to technology, price and cropping practices where improved technology and price changes were tested. The analysis revealed that there is a possibility of increasing agricultural productivity and output and hence income by effecting some changes in technology and other institutional factors. The results also justify that policy reforms on credit facilities and pricing systems will bring some changes to smallholder farmers in Bereko Division. The results from this study suggest that proper farm management and planning in the form of comprehensive farm plans proper information and workable policies, is needed in the area. These will help to improve the incomes hence living standards of the smallholder farmers.




Economic resource, Kondoa district, Bereko division, Traditional farming
