Factors influencing truancy in secondary schools in Handeni district, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
This study investigated the factors influencing truancy in secondary schools in Handeni
district by undertaking a survey as well as collecting secondary data, with the view to
identify the trend of truancy from 2007 to 2011. The study aimed at obtaining useful
information on the socio-economic factors contributing to truancy. It also determined the
attitude of students, teachers, and parents about truancy in the secondary schools. Data
were collected by using interview, questionnaires and direct observation. Descriptive and
regression analysis using Statistical Package for Social Science were employed as a tool
of analysis to determine factors influencing truancy in secondary schools. The results
revealed that age of students, age of household, good school classes management and
good school administration were contributed truancy in secondary schools. Also parents
do not ensure their children to attend school, student parents not live together and sex of
students statistically significantly influenced the truancy in secondary schools at P< 0.05.
However, year of schooling, whom do you live with, peer groups, distance from home to
school, and school is boring did not significantly influence truancy in secondary schools
at P< 0.05. Results revealed that the trend of truancy in study area was increased from
2007 to 2011.Moreover findings show that the girls become truant more than boys
particularly 2009 and 2011. Also results show that students, parents and teachers were
positive attitude towards truancy in secondary schools because the truant students
increased every year. This study recommends that the education stakeholders establish
different programmes such as school feeding program and school truancy prevention
program which will help to reduce truant students. Finally, the study recommends to the
district administration to help parents, guardians and school administration to work
together as partners in curbing truant students in secondary schools in Handeni District.
Truancy, Secondary schools, Handeni district, Tanzania