Dietary habits and their influence on diabetic complications among type 2 diabetics in Morogoro municipality
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
This study was designed to investigate the dietary habits and their influence on diabetic
complications among type 2 diabetics. Purposive and random sampling were used to
obtain a sample of 84 diabetic subjects who were already on treatment. Data were
analyzed using Predictive Analysis Software (PASW) program version 16.0. Results
showed that, 66.7% (n = 56) of the respondents had poor dietary habits, whereby most of
the subjects consumed foods with high glycemic index almost daily. Most commonly
foods consumed included refined maize “ugali”, white breads, chapatti, buns, water
melon, soda, white rice, pineapples and honey. Poor dietary habits among type 2 diabetics
were the main reason for complications related to diabetes. The most common diabetic
complications reported by the respondents were hypertension, kidney problems, eye
problems, foot problems, stroke, nerve problems, vaginal fungus, sexual problems and
measures that were strongly
correlated with diabetic
complications were body mass index, waist and hip circumferences, body fat mass, blood
pressure, and fasting blood glucose. Lifestyle behaviors that were strongly correlated with
the diabetic complications were lack of physical exercises and alcohol consumption.
Based on this study, the best dietary and lifestyle behaviors that were best predictors for
diabetic complications, were age, sex, and waist-hip-ratio and vegetables consumption. It
was concluded from this study that, poor dietary management practices associated with
inappropriate food selection and lack of physical exercises among the respondents were
the major factors that influenced diabetic related complications. Therefore, it was
recommended based on the findings of this study that, diabetic patients should be educated
on the importance of physical exercises and their role in clearing out glucose and insulin
resistance. Also, they should be taught on selection of low glycemic index foods (meal
patterns) which are available in their localities in order to improve the quality of life and
increasing their survival.
Dietary habits, Diabetic complications, Glycemic index, Hypertension