Challenges and opportunities of participatory technology development: the case of the coconut rhinoceros beetle control project in Bagamoyo District, Tanzania.
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
The overall objective of this study was to identify challenges and opportunities in
participatory technology development using the Integrated Pest Management of the
Rhinoceros Beetle project in Bagamoyo District in Tanzania. The specific objectives of
the study were to identify the socio-economic characteristics of the farmers who
participated in the Integrated Pest Management; io identify the specific roles of farmers
and researchers in the development, testing and dissemination of the IPM technologies in
the study area; and to identify (he constraints and opportunities that faced farmers and
researchers in the implementation of (he Integrated Pest Management project in the study
area. The sample of 92 coconut farmers selected from three villages in which the project
was implemented. A structured questionnaire was used to interview the respective
farmers and key informants to get relevant primary data about PTD in the study area.
Secondary data were obtained from research records and district production data sources.
Then using an SPSS primary data were coded, entered and analyzed. Descriptive data
analysis was conducted to obtain frequencies and percentages, while inferential analysis
involved t-test. Findings revealed that respondents who were involved in PTD were youth
to middle age, married, males and those who owned l-2acres. T-test revealed that PTD in
IPM significantly increased coconut production (p<0.05). Findings revealed that fanner,
extension and researchers played various roles in PTD. It is recommended to consider
socio-economic characteristics, and every partner in coconut production should play
relevant role, (he government should support these parlies for improved crop production
and food security by laying down all necessary infrastructure to ease farm produce
movement and to link farmers to input suppliers, and provide support to extension staff to
reach the marginal farmers.
Master of science in agricultural education and extension
Socio-economic characteristics, Farmers extension staff, Participatory technology development, Coconut rhinoceros beetle control project, Bagamoyo District, Tanzania.