Transfer of bruchid resistance into farmer’s preferred dry common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l.) varieties in Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
This study was undertaken to transfer bruchid resistance against Acanthoscelides oblectus
(Say) and Zabrotes subfasciatus (Boh) conditioned by APA locus and ARC2 genes
respectively into four Fanners Preferred Varieties (FPVs) , Kablanket (BSUA 59), Njano
Uyole (BSUA 29), Soworo (BSUA 73), Carnadian wonder (BSUA 37) collected from
major bean producing regions with geographical and ecological representation of
Tanzania’s bean growing areas and five APA locus parents (BTICA 132-4-5, BTICA 132 -
4-1, 1CA 43.3/4-7-5, ICA43.9/10-6-3,
ICA 43.9/10-7-2) obtained from interspecific
hybrids introgression lines expressing a 33kDa seed storage protein and Arcelin 2 donor
parent (2R-41B-20-I) obtained from previously developed inbred lines on Rojo
background. Selection of the resistant lines were done using gene specific DNA markers
and total seed storage proteins. Seed storage proteins (APA and ARC2) of the developed
F3 families from this work were analyzed using one dimensional Sodium dodecyl sulphate
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1-DSDS-PAGE) and PCR amplification of the DNA
fragments corresponding to the targeted marker size. The generated 86 F3 families from
crosses between the four FPVs and APA parent lines were analyzed for the presence of
33Kda APA seed storage proteins. Results indicated that 15 families were homozygous for
the presence for APA. The expected band of 33kDa was not transferred in Carnadian
wonder (BSUA 37). A total of 100 F3 families were developed from FPVs and ARC2
parents. Results showed that four families two from Canardian (BSUA37) and two from
Njano uyole were homozygous for presence of ARC 2 seed storage protein . The Chi
square values obtained from each cross with APA and ARC2 agreed with Mendelian ratios
implying that both genes were dominant and monogenic inherited.
The homozygous lines expressing APA and ARC2 will be subjected to bruchid screening
and best for inhibition of bruchid development will be needed as parents for further back
crossing breeding
Master of Science in Crop Science
Dry common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris l., Bean Bruchid Species, Bean Varieties, Tanzania