The traditional homegarden agroforestry system of Bukoba, Tanzania:

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Sokoine University of Agriculture


A socio-economic study was carried out in the Kyamtwara division in Bukoba District, Tanzania. The objectives were: to describe the homegarden agroforestry system found in Bukoba district, to investigate the nature and magnitude of constraints of the farming system and to do a farm economic analysis of possible alternatives to counter falling productivity. Descriptive statistics, statistics, linear regression and one way analysis of variance were the methods used to analyze the data. In the linear regression model banana and coffee yield were dependent (predictor variables) whereas homegarden size, hired labour, cattle keeping, and household size were independent variables. It was found that homegarden productivity has significantly declined over the years due to; decline in soil fertility and cattle population, outbreak of banana pests and diseases, increase in human population and lack of cash. Economically, it was found more profitable to rehabilitate the homegarden by reintroducing cattle rather than shift to a completely new farming system based on annual cropping. Further research into soil fertility restoration, pests and disease management and other aspects of the farming system, is proposed.




Agroforestry, Farm economic, Homegarden
