The role of broadcast media on community adaptation and mitigation of climate variability and change impacts in Iringa rural district, Tanzania
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Sokoine University of Agriculture
Actions associated with building mitigation and adaptive capacity may include
communicating climate change information, building awareness of potential impacts,
maintaining well-being, protecting property or land, maintaining economic growth, and
exploiting new opportunities. Over the past two decades, radio has been the major
medium in rural areas of developing countries as a source of news and music. This study
was carried out to assess the role of broadcasting media on community adaptation and
mitigation to climate variability and change in Isimani Division simply because the
division is relatively most affected by drought due to environmental degradation. A
Cross-sectional research design was adopted and involved a sample size of 120
respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires, key informant interviews and
Focus group discussions. Data analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS). Binary logistic model confirmed that access and usage of broadcast
media had effect on farmers’ adaptation and mitigation to climate variability and change.
However, low income, language barriers, unreliable broadcasting network low education
level, lack of environment related programmes; and lack of electricity were confirmed as
barriers to accessibility and usage of broadcasting media for adaptation and mitigation of
climate variability and change impacts. It is recommended that government should
reduce taxes imposed upon equipment for broadcasting media. Broadcast media should
be used to disseminate information on good farming practices as a measure of adapting
and mitigating to climate change.
Broadcast media, Climate variability and change, Iringa rural district, Tanzania