Adoption of climate-smart agriculture in small-scale farming in Africa: are the pillars for CSA accounted for?
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College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Morogoro-Tanzania
Studies have shown that climate change has a significant effect on the rural landscape and the equilibrium of the
agrarian and forest ecosystems resulting in instability disintegration of agricultural-dependent livelihood systems in rural and
peri-urban areas. To address these and related challenges, many countries have attempted Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA).
CSA has been proven to address the intertwined challenge of increasing agricultural productivity while at the same time
maintaining sustainable levels of carbon emissions from agriculture. Despite its proven benefits, the adoption of CSA in
Africa varies across the continent. In some countries the adoption of certain practices is as low as 10% and in others above
60%. Using scoping, narrative and descriptive approaches in the analysis of literature, this study has demonstrated that
Climate-Smart Agriculture technologies have proved to be effective in delivering food security, climate change mitigation,
and adaptation. However, while researchers working in these areas have attempted to work on the biophysical aspects of
Climate-Smart Agriculture, there are gaps in the understanding of how the adoption of Climate-Smart Technologies has
contributed to climate change mitigation and adaptation. The study further revealed that various factors such as household
characteristics, land ownership and gender were considered in the introduction and adoption of CSA technology. The study
recommends that more work is needed to enhance knowledge on mitigation and adaptation aspects of CSA technologies. The
study recommends further that considerations be made on resources endowment during the recruitment of farmers to adopt
CSA technologies.
The sub Saharan Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
Volume 1, Issue 1, June 2022 PP. 73-81
Climate-smart agriculture, Adoption, Climate change, Agriculture